Membership of CCC

The Hub and its facilities  are  open to all the community, and membership of the organisation isn't required to do so. However CCC has been constituted as a membership organisation , so that it belongs to people living in  Corstorphine. The more people who become members, the stronger the community ownership of the Hub  will be.  We welcome applications for membership . See below, how to become a member , and be part of the future of CCC.

We have 3 categories of membership available:

(1) Adult (18+) residents in the area of benefit (see map below) - entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings and other general meetings as appropriate, and to stand for election to the CCC Management Committee.

(2) 15-17 residents

(3) Associate members - non-residents - not entitled to vote or to stand for election to the Management Committee.

The CCC area of benefit is shown on the map on this page. Its boundaries (the darker line on the map) extend roughly from Queensferry Road to the north to the main railway line and tram line near Carrick Knowe to the south, and from the City by-pass in the west to Roseburn in the east.


EITHER (a) complete and submit the form below the map on this page, which will then be forwarded automatically to one of our mailboxes.

OR (b) print out a copy of the form and return it to 5 Kirk Loan.

Printed copies of the form are also available at 5 Kirk Loan, where they can be filled in and handed in to reception.